PopUp Museum


The project culminated in a week-long pop-up museum in early April 2018.

Housed in three shipping containers sited at the Ford Vehicle Repair Centre in Wide Lane, the exhibition explored the history of the site from its days as Cunliffe Owen Ltd manufacturing wartime aircraft through to its new life as a modern business park.

The exhibition used oral histories recorded for the project and in also 2013, to tell the story through the voices of the people who had worked or lived near the factories.

Much of the interpretation focused on the Ford Assembly Plant where the iconic Transit van was made for 40 years, and the last Transit to roll off the line in 2013 that was signed by the employees was on display for the week.

The museum included a ‘container cinema’, written quotes and photographs, interactives and artefacts from the Ford years. A pop-up shop sold stunning purpose-created art by volunteer Jackie Eksi along with limited edition model Transits made by volunteer Damian Good.

A huge success, the pop-up museum sold out and over 1,200 people attended. Many visitors were ex-Fordies who enjoyed reminiscing and meeting old workmates and friends.

The pop-up museum wouldn’t have been possible without the incredible support of the project volunteers who helped man it through wind and rain.

Films Shown in the PopUp Museum

The Industrial Story of Wide Lane (15:54)
Transit Robot Assembly (1:59)
The Transit as an Icon (5:37)
The Last Transit off the Line (3:23)
Time-Lapse of the Wide Lane Site Demolition and Redevelopment (10:06)